“The White Choice”– from the ‘Have You Heard’ blog 

The push for school vouchers is spreading across the South, even as the legacy of private schools as *segregation academies* lives on…

Today begins our school choice tour, reader, and judging from the speed with which various choice choices are popping up across the land, the tour will be of some duration. We’re starting in Arkansas, because it begins with ‘A’ and also it because it represents a less-palatable part of the school choice *conversation.* Before school choice became the *civil rights issue of our time,* it was the chosen choice of white parents who were fleeing newly desegregated schools for private schools. In fact, the legacy of that ugly history hangs heavy enough over Arkansas’ private schools today that the Walton family, America’s first family of all things school choice, chose not to push for private school vouchers in its home state. Here’s an excerpt from an interview I did in 2015 with Walton Family Foundation senior program officer Kathy Smith, who oversees the foundation’s Arkansas portfolio:

There are some differences in what you can do in a rural state and what’s appropriate to do,

Source: The White Choice – Have You Heard

Dem Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Cobbs to make U.P. campaign stops, March 10-11


Bill Cobbs for Governor Campaign
Email: billcobbsppf@gmail.com
Phone: 248-331-3275

Escanaba & Marquette, Michigan
Thursday March 8, 2017


Democratic candidate for Governor Bill Cobbs will make two Upper Peninsula campaign stops this weekend including one in Escanaba Friday night and a second in Marquette Sunday afternoon.
Delta County Democrats will host a “meet and greet” March 10, from 5:30-7:30 pm at Leigh’s Garden Winery in Escanaba.
“It’s great to see gubernatorial candidates like Bill Cobbs taking an interest in Delta County,” said Delta County Democratic Chairman Lucas Bradshaw whose chapter will host the event.
“Sometimes rural Michigan issues get forgotten, like our need for dependable, affordable high-speed internet,” Bradshaw said. “Every child in Delta County without access to high-speed internet is at a great disadvantage.”
Cobbs, a Navy veteran and former business executive from Farmington Hills will also meet voters at 12 p.m. Saturday March 11 at the Vierling Restaurant and Marquette Harbor Brewery hosted by the Marquette County Democratic Party.
Jason Chapman, the Marquette County Democratic Chairman said he’s pleased that gubernatorial candidates are paying attention to the Upper Peninsula.
“I’m excited to hear Mr. Cobbs’ vision for Michigan and specifically the Upper Peninsula. I hope he will elaborate on what he can do to transform the UP economy into a powerhouse economy,” said Chapman, “and what he can do about the horrible cuts to education funding and where he plans to find the money.”

Escanaba & Marquette, Michigan
MARCH 10-11, 2017
UP Contact: Ethan Reader
Phone: 906-362-5424
Email: ethanbednarz@gmail.com

Here’s How Many iPhones You’ll Need to Not Buy in Order to Afford Health Care

Yesterday, House Republicans released their replacement for the Affordable Care Act. And today, Representative Jason Chaffetz said that people could afford the bill’s more expensive premiums by choosing to “invest in their own health care” rather than buying the latest iPhone.

Source: Here’s How Many iPhones You’ll Need to Not Buy in Order to Afford Health Care

Perpetuating Food Apartheid: New Urban Grocery Stores in Grand Rapids

Perpetuating Food Apartheid: New Urban Grocery Stores in Grand Rapids
by Jeff Smith (GRIID)

Last week, Rapid Growth Media ran a piece about new grocery store efforts in Grand Rapids. The article, discusses food deserts and the variety of responses that people are involved in. Unfortunately, the article and the new grocery stores will only perpetuate food insecurity in Grand Rapids.

There are several misconceptions that people have about those who experience food insecurity. The first misconception is the very language we use to try to describe the problem – food deserts.

The article states…
READ MORE — https://griid.org/2017/03/08/perpetuating-food-apartheid-new-urban-grocery-stores-in-grand-rapids/

Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy

Last week, Rapid Growth Media ran a piece about new grocery store efforts in Grand Rapids. The article, discusses food deserts and the variety of responses that people are involved in. Unfortunately, the article and the new grocery stores will only perpetuate food insecurity in Grand Rapids. 

There are several misconceptions that people have about those who experience food insecurity. The first misconception is the very language we use to try to describe the problem – food deserts.

The article states, “Calvin College defines food deserts as large continuous areas within urban areas where healthy and balanced food stores are difficult to access.” While it is true that people living in certain urban neighborhoods are limited in where they can access their food, the definition of food deserts is highly problematic.

Sociologists have been using the term food deserts since the 1970s, but the term is misleading…

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Women’s Equality Day | National Women’s History Project #womensequalityday

The Tony Burgess Blog

At the behest of Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), in 1971 the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.”The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. This was the culmination of a massive, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York.

Source: Women’s Equality Day | National Women’s History Project

Our country is stronger when our women have equal pay for equal work. Women deserve access to resources to make their lives better. The women in my life should have every advantage I do. Too many women aren’t treated with respect and dignity and that has to change.

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