Life hacks for 2017: The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful — Quartz

Sometimes, to become successful and to get closer to the person we know we can become, we don’t need to add more things to our lives—we need to give up on some of them.There are certain things that are almost universal.

These things, if you give them up, will help you become more successful (even though each one of us could and probably should have a different definition of success.)

Some of them you can give up today, while others might take a bit longer.

As the years draws thankfully to a close, it’s worth thinking about what aspects and habits of our lives we should let go of in 2017.

Source: Life hacks for 2017: The bad habits you should give up if you want to be successful — Quartz

26 ways to find information on people: Tips for journalists writing about crime on deadline from Journalist’s Resource 

A 2016 tip sheet offering a step-by-step guide to finding information about people while covering a crime-related story on deadline.

So you’re on deadline with breaking news about a crime committed in your community but officials are releasing only basic details: a few facts about the crime and the name and birth date of a person alleged to be involved. Your audience – and your editor – are demanding to know as much about this individual as possible, as quickly as possible. What do you do? How do you report on someone when you have so little information?

The staff at Journalist’s Resource has compiled a list of steps that we, ourselves, have used to track down large amounts of information on deadline. While this list may come in handy when covering crime, our strategies also can be used for gathering information on individuals in many other scenarios.

It’s worth pointing out that before starting any fact-finding mission, journalists should be familiar with the public-record laws in their states. They need to know what records are available and which ones are accessible by the public. (A free, state-by-state guide to public records is posted on the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press website.)

Here’s how we find information about a person connected to a crime on deadline:

Source: 26 ways to find information on people: Tips for journalists writing about crime on deadline – Journalist’s Resource Journalist’s Resource

ANR North: Planting the Seeds for Michigan’s Future | Michigan Tech News

The new Academy of Natural Resources North, held at Michigan Technological University’s Ford Center and Forest, helps K-12 teachers bring the UP’s environment and history into their classrooms.

Source: ANR North: Planting the Seeds for Michigan’s Future | Michigan Tech News

Four ways youth can develop their “Four Cs” through Michigan 4-H | MSU Extension

Michigan 4-H provides many educational opportunities for youth to develop the four most important skills they need to be successful 21st century learners, workers and citizens.

Source: Four ways youth can develop their “Four Cs” through Michigan 4-H | MSU Extension

What are the most critical skills young people need to develop in order to be prepared for citizenship and the global workforce in the 21 century? According to some of our nation’s top educational leaders and institutions, reading, writing and arithmetic—the “Three R’s”—are no longer enough for the demands of modern times. The National Education Association, in partnership with education leaders and several other national organizations, have identified four specific skills as being the most important for 21st century learning. Known as the “Four Cs,” these skills are believed to be key factors in helping to prepare young people to compete and collaborate with others in our globally interconnected world.

The Four Cs are critical thinking and problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation. Michigan 4-H, the youth development program of Michigan State University Extension, offers a variety of educational experiences to help young people who wish to develop these skills in 2017.

No. 1: Critical thinking and problem-solving

“Critical thinking contributes to career success, but also to success in higher education,” according to the National Education Association. Critical thinking includes using different types of reasoning depending on the context, employing systems thinking to see the interconnected nature of parts in complex systems, making sound judgements and decisions based on analysis, interpretation and reflection, and solving problems in traditional and novel ways. Critical thinking allows young people to compare different ideas and perspectives in meaningful ways, and to decide on courses of action based on thoughtful and deep analysis of information.

The Michigan 4-H Capitol Experience program is a fantastic way for Michigan high school aged youth to learn and practice these critical thinking skills. The program, held March 19-22, 2017, in Lansing, Michigan, helps youth develop critical thinking skills while learning about public policy and civic engagement in the Michigan legislative process.

Youth work in teams to draft legislative bills meant to address challenges that youth identify as important in Michigan. Throughout the program, youth meet with stakeholders in a variety of settings to gain different perspectives and recommendations regarding their bill. These interactions, along with participation in a legislative simulation throughout the 4-day program, help youth to think more critically about issues and see the value in gathering and analyzing a variety of perspectives in order to come up with effective solutions to real world problems.

No. 2: Communication

“Expressing thoughts clearly, crisply articulating opinions, communicating coherent instruction, motivating others through powerful speech, these skills have always been valued in the workplace and in public life,” says the National Education Association. “But in the 21st century, these skills have been transformed and are even more important today.”

Being able to clearly express oneself with oral, written and nonverbal communication continues to be prime skills that employers seek in their employees. Equally important in today’s world are having the skills to be an active and engaged listener and being able to communicate with people from different cultures or who speak another language.

Young people seeking to develop their communication skills might consider participating in an international exchange program. The communication skills that are developed through participation in international exchange programs are valuable skills that can be applied in the workforce and in higher education, where the ability to communicate and collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds is incredibly valuable.

Michigan 4-H offers a variety of international exchange opportunities for Michigan youth. Michigan 4-H International Exchange Programs include opportunities to host youth from other countries for short-term exchanges (one month during the summer) or for the length of the academic school year. Michigan 4-H also coordinates “outbound” exchange programs that allow Michigan youth to learn and practice communication skills through immersion experiences in other countries.

No. 3: Collaboration

The ability to work effectively with others to accomplish goals that couldn’t be achieved working alone has always been an important trait of the human species. In today’s multicultural society, young people need to be able to work effectively in partnership with others in ways that are respectful of the diversity of background, ideas and perspectives that various people bring to a group.

“A large group of diverse individuals will come up with better and more robust forecasts and make more intelligent decisions than even the most skilled decision maker,” says author James Surowiecki. Young people will be able to engage in these collaborative work experiences in especially meaningful and impactful ways when they also possess leadership skills.

The Michigan 4-H Youth Leadership and Global Citizenship Spectacular, scheduled for Jan. 28-29, 2017, is one Michigan 4-H program that can help provide youth with the type of knowledge and skills needed to be effective collaborators. The annual conference includes a variety of educational experiences that equip young people with knowledge and skills related to group facilitation, communication, conflict management and diversity that will support their ability to collaborate with others. Visit the Michigan 4-H Spectacular website for more information or to register (by Jan. 8, 2017) for the program.

No. 4: Creativity and innovation

The challenges presented to people around the world continue to grow more complex all the time. The ability to come up with new solutions and ways of being, and to implement change, is a skill that will continue to become increasingly valuable as people grapple with challenging global issues.

“Successful individuals are those who have creative skills, to produce a vision for how they intend to make the world a better place for everyone; analytical intellectual skills, to assess their vision and those of others; practical intellectual skills, to carry out their vision and persuade people of its value; and wisdom, to ensure that their vision is not a selfish one,” says Robert Sternberg of Tufts University. Creating new ideas and making contributions to solving real world problems through novel means are valuable skills that young people will be able to apply in many settings.

Ensuring all people on the planet now and in the future have access to enough healthy, nourishing food to sustain themselves is a grand, global challenge that requires the ability of people to think outside the box. The World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute is one of many Michigan 4-H programs that provides young people with an outstanding opportunity to develop creativity and innovation skills. Michigan youth in grades eighth through 12th who participate in the World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute write a short research paper focused on a global food security factor of their choice in a developing country. As part of their investigation of the country and their chosen food security factor, young people are tasked with developing possible solutions and recommendations for addressing topics related to global food security in creative and innovative ways.

In May 2017, youth participants in the World Food Prize Michigan Youth Institute program will have the opportunity to share their research and creative solutions with MSU faculty and experts, and learn about ways that the university is engaged in helping to solve grand global challenges related to food security.

To learn about the positive impact of Michigan 4-H youth leadership, civic engagement, citizenship and global/cultural programs, read our 2015 Impact Report: “Developing Civically Engaged Leaders.” Additional impact reports, highlighting even more ways Michigan 4-H positively impacted individuals and communities in 2015 can be downloaded from the Michigan 4-H website.

CURMUDGUCATION:Is Common Core Gaining Ground with Teachers?

CURMUDGUCATIONThe slightly-cranky voice navigating the world of educational “reform” while trying to still pursue the mission of providing quality education.

Source: CURMUDGUCATION: Is Common Core Gaining Ground with Teachers?

Is Common Core Gaining Ground with Teachers?

In October, a bit over 500 registered readers of the EdWeek website took a survey about the Core. The results from these elementary, middle and high school teachers are not earth-shattering, but we might tease a few conclusions out.

You want me to do what??!!

First, it’s worth noting that using EdWeek registered readers means a certain amount of self-selected bias. While I’m not particularly put off by the magazine’s history and backing, many are– EdWeek gets plenty of money from the reformy industry and, like every publication out there, occasionally blurs the line between “real” content and content-flavored advertising. But I worked for EdWeek for a year and found them to be nothing but supportive, including giving me a nice chunk of Bill Gates money to pay me for a piece attacking the Core. They never told me what I couldn’t say. They were also long-time hosts of Anthony Cody’s work, and they continue to host Nancy Flanagan, one of the most important pro-public ed bloggers out there.

So I don’t think they are corporate shills in the back pocket of the enemy. At the same time, they are a business that knows which side their bread is buttered on, and there is a certain corporate air to it (as well as an actual paywall), so its readership does not necessarily represent the full spectrum of teacheriness. And this article, which consults only Core boosters are expert opinions, is trying had to spin positive for the Core.

But I digress. What did the survey say?


39% of teachers report that they feel “well-prepared” to teach the standards. That’s almost double the 20% reported in 2012, but it’s not very impressive. If I found that only 39% of my students felt well-prepared to take a unit test, I would figure my teaching needs some work. That figure drops considerably when the survey asks about ELL, special needs, or just plain at risk students. So, I don’t know– 39% feel very prepared if they’re just going to be teaching those kids who learn whatever you put in front of them?

And student preparation? Only 10% said their students were ready to master the standards, which is still double four years ago, but still way less than a lot. On this I have to agree with quoted reformster Morgan Polikoff, who blames the word “master,” a word that sets the bar mighty high.


Only 18% of respondents felt that classroom resources are well-aligned (double the 2012 response). Teachers who think their professional development is swell come in at about the same number, which seems… high. One of the Great White Whales of education is a school district that does professional development well. In some cases, the state has hamstrung everyone by declaring that all PD must involve some specific list of features, guaranteeing that PD will be useless for everyone except the vendors making money by providing PD.

The popular solution is to go to sharing websites (Teachers Pay Teachers is a popular solution) to get ideas and materials from other teachers.

Do we even know what we’re talking about?

Those two areas raise some questions. For instance, when 39% report that they are prepped and ready to implement the Core, do they even know what they’re talking about?

When asked to explain how they know if something is Common Core aligned, 51% teachers said, “Well, I got it from a repository of supposedly-aligned stuff.” If that repository is, say, a state operated website, or a publisher’s bin labeled “Common Core Ready We Swear” then that’s only slightly more accurate than a ouija board. Other methods included using expert rubrics and asking either peers or supervisors of some sort at your district.

So if we’re asking, “Is there are any reason to believe that all these Common Core-aligned claimants are actually Common Core-aligned?” the answer is, “No, no there isn’t.”

This is no surprise. One part of the hash that was the Common Core roll-out was that we were supposed to change nothing at all about the Core (and only add 15% to it) but then people pushed back and the Powers That Be said, “Well, okay, do what you want,” and so the Core was distributed through a loose network of folks who all added their own interpretations and publishers who just slapped CCSS on anything, and all of this happened against the backdrop of Common Core creators who unleashed their creation and then left the building before anyone could ask questions. Do you want someone authoritative to ask the question, “Is this really Common Core aligned?” Too bad– there is no such authoritative voice anywhere to be found. So everyone is reduced to just making shit up (which is only fair, since that’s basically the research basis for the Core in the first place).

The CEO of Achieve, a big CCSS clearinghouse and advocacy, had a chance to respond. “It’s good that they’re thinking about alignment,” was the best she could come up with. Meanwhile, teachers are logging onto websites and telling each other, “Yeah, I can make this fit with those standards-aligned waste-of-time lesson plans we have to do. Is it really Common Core? Who knows? Who cares?”

PD woes

This may be my favorite finding from the survey. A large number (the actual data in this article is frustrating, as is the lack of a link to the actual findings) of teachers agreed that they have “had some training and do not want more.” Similar findings have been reported with ten-year-olds regarding spinach.

And another interesting result– most teachers feel they are more knowledgeable than their administrators.

Politics and the Standards That Do Not Speak Their Name

Less than half the teachers use the term “Common Core” freely and without restraint. Most are guarded when talking to students or parents. That may be because only 7% report getting positive feedback from parents about the Core.

So what have we learned?

The Common Core are not exactly a giant snowballed, barrelling down the mountain and gaining strength and speed as it comes. More like a hamster trying to drag a rusted Studebaker up the mountain. More teachers are used to the hamster, recognize the hamster, and know how to walk up the mountain without letting the hamster get in their way. But hardly anyone is stopping to help the hamster, and the chances that the hamster is going to get to the mountaintop before it drops dead of exhaustion or old age– well, it’s not looking good. And I don’t think encouraging press is going to help. 


CURMUDGUCATION: Understanding or Winning?

CURMUDGUCATIONThe slightly-cranky voice navigating the world of educational “reform” while trying to still pursue the mission of providing quality education.

Source: CURMUDGUCATION: Understanding or Winning?

Understanding or Winning?

You’ve had that student in class. You’re going over the answers to some simple quiz, and the hand goes up, and you hear something like, “But what could have happened is that Della actually hit her head and had temporary amnesia, so she didn’t know that she was a girl and she got her hair cut short because she thought she was a man and she actually bought the watch strap for herself because she thought she had a watch of her own and she wasn’t even thinking of Jim at all because she didn’t even remember him…”

This is not the student who is confused. This is not the student who is trying to be funny. This is not the student who has trouble understanding. This is the student for whom understanding is not the goal.

Instead, this student wants to win. This student, either from boredom or combativeness or just-doesn’t-like-you-ness, wants to come up with a way to look at things that makes them right.

I will confess– this student can make me a little bit nuts. I have patience with many things, but my supply is extremely limited for people who deliberately, purposefully work to NOT understand something.

This is why I often lose patience with political arguing and spinning, which absolutely feeds on valuing winning over understanding. Somebody makes a statement, issues a release, writes a piece, takes an interview, and people from the Other Side don’t sit down and say, “What are they trying to say here?” Instead they say, “What meaning, spin, interpretation can we put on this to make this guy look wrong?”

The Obama “You didn’t build that” line was a classic example (so classic it has its own wikipedia page). Everyone knew exactly what he meant and it was, in fact, a sentiment that plenty of conservatives have expressed– you get the benefits of operating in an orderly and rules-based society and therefor you owe the social fabric something. But opponents of the President saw an opportunity to spin his words, to deliberately and purposefully misunderstand them, and so they took it.

Particularly in the world of politics, we see understanding and winning as mutually exclusive. In the most heated debates, we find an absolutely intractable refusal to admit that anything the other side is saying makes any kind of sense at all. Some opponents of Trump have been adamant that they will not try to empathize, not try to hear, not try to understand where Trump’s people are thinking, as if that will somehow keep them from getting one more drop of success or victory.

But understanding is not about yielding or losing or giving up ground. It’s true that I view understanding as something that is valuable in and of itself– for me, understanding is always best. But if you want to talk tactical issues, then let me offer this.

You cannot defeat what you don’t understand.

Sure, you can win occasional holding actions with brute force, like “treating” cancer by cutting off the affected body parts. And yes– when someone is coming at you with a hatchet, understanding may need to wait until you have knocked them down and taken their hatchet away.

But without understanding, there is no real victory.

The most classic mistake that people make in heated debate is to believe that their opponents are some combination of evil and stupid. Proponents of Common Core went down to defeat exactly this way– they believed (or acted as if they believed) that opponents of Common Core were either ignorant peasants who just didn’t understand or else tools of the evil unions up to no good. Yes, there were reformsters who kept trying to tell their allies differently, but by the time the message that good and reasonable people had rational and comprehensible reasons for opposing Common Core, it was too late. Now while the name may be spoken in some dark corners in hushed tones, and some shadowy remnant of the Core still stalks the land, the grand dreams and plans for one nation, under common standards measured by a common test– that dream is toast. CCSS boosters refused to understand, and it has cost them.

When you don’t understand your opponents– when you don’t understand their goals, their fears, their motivations, their basic ideas about how the world works– you will fail to predict their next move, and you will fail to see how you can change their direction. Think of the sixty gazillion articles in the template of “Now that Trump has said this thing and we have published it, his campaign will be trashed.”

Empathy and understanding make us better people, and they don’t cost us a thing. Yes, sometimes when we understand others, we may realize that we share some goals or ideas or beliefs. But understanding someone doesn’t mean we have to give an inch in whatever fight we’re engaged in. Understanding who someone is and why they are pursuing particular goals doesn’t necessarily make those goals one tiny bit less wrong.

In the heat of political battle, it’s easy to think that understanding and empathy will interfere with victory, but I don’t see how you achieve victory without them.


CURMUDGUCATIONThe slightly-cranky voice navigating the world of educational “reform” while trying to still pursue the mission of providing quality education.

Source: CURMUDGUCATION: Dear Doug1943

Dear Doug1943

A commenter at Diane Ravitch’s asked a question which I think, if nothing else, probably represents the thinking of a lot of folks out there. Ravitch who is “taking a break” (which generally means she’s only posting a dozen times a day instead of a hundred) asked for replies, so here’s mine.

First, Doug1943’s question:

I think the problem is this: the people opposing allowing people to escape from bad public schools don’t seem to want to acknowledge that there is such a thing as bad public schools. Or, at most, they seem to believe that if we just raised taxes and put more money into these schools, they’d be better. Or, that there is nothing the schools can do, it’s general poverty that is the problem.

Of course, if any or all these views are correct, then you must carry on doing what you’re doing (which seems to me, as an ‘outsider’, is just talking to yourselves, which is the norm for American forums on both Left and Right).

However, I think you ought to give some thought to trying to address the issues that proponents of vouchers, charters, etc. claim are real: that at least some public schools are unreformably bad, and parents who have some ambition for their children should be allowed to escape from them. In other words, should have the same opportunities that the Clinton and Obama children had.

Or, if you agree that some public schools are bad, but not unreformably so, how can they be reformed?

It’s this that — again as an outsider — strikes me as your great weakness: you don’t seem to admit that there is a problem at all. Thus your quotes around “better” in your reply: you seem to dismiss good exam results that some charters get. Now, maybe you’re right about these results– I certainly have huge reservations about multiple-choice standardized tests. But you ought to make the case.

By the way, I personally would prefer there to be a system of state schools that had high standards, and educated all children to the limits of their inherent capabilities, so that the issue of ‘charter schools’ and vouchers wouldn’t even arise.. I assume that such a system would cost substantially more than the current system, but that it would be well worth it. But we don’t seem to be allowed to have that choice.

When it comes to believing in the badness of schools, I think you’ll find a full spectrum, with people on one end believing that all “government schools” are bad and should be abolished, and people on the other end believing that public education must be preserved and never displaced or challenged. As with most spectra, this one contains few people at the ends and most in the middle, with folks from all sides interspersed on all sides of each other. Likewise, we will find a continuum running from “Poverty means nothing at all and anyone with some gumption and good teaching can overcome it” all the way to “Poverty is an inescapable blight that can’t be overcome ever.” Policy makers have come pretty close to the former position, making it easy to characterize anyone who brings up the problems of poverty at all as someone who has given up because of poverty, but I don’t think that’s the case. Poverty matters. It’s not destiny, but it can’t simply be ignored, either.

Most public ed advocates that I know and interact with would agree that, particularly in some large urban districts, there are some schools with serious problems. I would never tell you that all public schools are flawless and there are no huge problems. There are, from serious underfunding to long-standing institutional racism to a lack of any sort of vision from leaders. There are absolutely some serious issues, but it does not appear to me that choice-charter-voucher advocates are proposing anything that will actually solve any of the problems.

They call to mind lying with a broken leg on the sidewalk, and someone runs up with a chain saw and says, “Hey, I’m going to take off your arms” and I ask what help that will be and are they even a doctor and they reply, “Well, no– but we have to do something!” No, thanks.

Do charters generally do a better job? There’s no clear evidence that they do– often they get the same results with the same kids (as far as we can tell, given that we have no good way in place to measure school success– your reservations about standardized tests are on point) and a little too often they do worse. Do charters solve poverty? No. Do charters and choice spur competition that leads to greatness? There’s zero evidence that they do. Do they allow children to “escape” bad schools? Maybe– but here’s the big problem as charters are currently handled: the escape comes at the cost of making a bad school worse by stripping it of resources. And as I frequently point out, the free market can’t handle this problem. The free market survives by picking winners and losers and dropping the losers out– there is not one single business or business sector in this country that serves every single citizen, but serving 100% of US students is exactly the education gig.

So in short, yes, there are problems and no, the charter-choice-voucher idea doesn’t solve any of them.

So what are my alternative suggestions? Let me first note that the guy who wants to treat my broken leg by chainsawing off my arms is the person carrying the burden of proof. But as someone who is invested in public education, and who has already noticed most of the issues that charter fans holler about in their marketing materials. In the interests of not writing an entire book, let me offer just a quick list of some major steps that, I believe, would help.

1) Fair, full, equitable funding for all schools. No, we don’t have the national will to fund every school to Lexus level, but right now we’re letting states and districts run some Lexus schools just across the tracks from Used Kia schools. That’s not okay. You can even have charters– but you have to pay for them. You cannot run ten homes for the cost of one.

2) Dramatically reduce unfunded mandates.

3) Get rid of test-centered accountability, which has created test-centered schools. Yes, we need accountability, but the current method is truly, deeply useless. I have some thoughts, but this is not a book.

4) Let teachers teach.

5) Let communities have control of their own schools.

6) Rebuild the teaching profession and undo the damage of the last fifteen years. Put the profession under the control of professionals. Too much damage has been done by politicians and other amateurs who think that since they once went to school, they should set policy for the nation.

I don’t believe that some schools are reformable because a school is not a building– it is the total of the teachers, staff, leaders, families and students that some together in that school. To believe that a school is unreformable I would have to believe that a neighborhood or community is unredeemable, and I’m not prepared to believe that about any group of human beings. But to reform you have to have resources, leadership, and a strong relationship with the community being served. It is not clear to me how, in East Egg or West Egg or even Rotten Egg, you could do that with a charter but somehow not with the public school you already have, and it seems that the charter solution is to swap out the students or the families or the local connection.

I agree that we haven’t been given the choice of really funding public education as if we meant it, and charters in many markets seem like a way to say, “Well, we’ll just spend the money on the students who deserve it,” which is not, to my mind, the American education gig, either. It is deciding to rescue only some children from a burning building without making any attempt to put the fire out. That, to me, is not okay.

Michigan Senators Peters and Stabenow both support the illegal Israeli Settlements in light of recent United Nations Security Council Vote

Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy

On the Friday before Christmas, the United Nations Security Council voted 14 – 0 to to condemn Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.326185_370

The resolution, which passed on December 23rd, demands that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and that it fully respect all of its legal obligations in this regard.

The United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council abstained from voting.

Some people saw the US decision to abstain as a criticism against the illegal Israeli settlements, but with the US providing over $3 billion a year in aid to Israel, the decision to abstain was merely for show.

As usual, several members of the UN Security Council were pressured to vote against the resolution, since Israel was threatening to impose sanctions against the two countries that pushed for the resolution, New…

View original post 659 more words

The choir where homeless singers find hope and acceptance | PBS NewsHour

At a meeting of Voices of our City Choir in San Diego, aspiring choir members from all walks of life come together to sing songs of love and hope.

Source: The choir where homeless singers find hope and acceptance | PBS NewsHour

A group of vocalists gathered to share their love of music on a recent Friday in downtown San Diego.“There will be no love dyin’ here,” belted out the 16 singers, aspiring choir members who came from all walks of life, in harmonies that amplified off the metal walls and ceiling.

“I’m blind and I’m homeless right now,” said Janet Bolden, her hair swept back in long braids that hung over her gray sweatshirt. Like Bolden, half of the choir members are homeless.

The woman behind the Voices of our City Choir is Steph Johnson, a jazz singer and recording artist who wanted to raise awareness of homelessness.

“I thought, well, what a wonderful way to have a really wonderful, beautiful choir singing and sounding excellent and to be like, ‘Yes, and all of these people happen to not have a home,’” Johnson said.

Read more here >

The Great Unwinding of Public Education: Detroit and DeVos

Privatization of all things public has slammed Detroit as gentrifying investors seek to put price tags on what was previously public domain. In predatory fashion, privatizers are targeting the city’s struggling students as a new frontier for profit.How weak and vulnerable is public education in Detroit? The Nation’s Report Card, published by an independent federal commission, named Detroit Public Schools the country’s “lowest-performing urban school district” in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. In 2011, a Republican state legislature and Republican Gov. Rick Snyder repealed a statewide cap on the number of Detroit charter schools. The floodgates were opened and privatizing predators rolled in.

Read the full story here: The Great Unwinding of Public Education: Detroit and DeVos