Some bad news for kindergartners in Michigan – from The Washington Post

Michigan Superintendent of Schools Brian Whiston has a lot of ideas about what he wants to do to improve public education.

Not a one them makes a bit of sense.

In fact you’d hardly believe he’s actually a professional educator.

Read the full story here: Some bad news for kindergartners in Michigan – The Washington Post

Health chief: Ebola distracted from Genesee County Legionnaires’ outbreak | Michigan Radio

The state’s health director says an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Genesee County did not get the attention it deserved from his agency. He says it the agency was distracted by the Ebola outbreak.

I don’t buy it.

The Legionnaires’ outbreak killed at least 12 people in 2014 and 15.

There were 11 known cases of Ebola in the U.S., and two fatalities — none were in Michigan.

Read the story here: Health chief: Ebola distracted from Genesee County Legionnaires’ outbreak | Michigan Radio

Is Gun Violence Going Up Or Going Down? A New Technology Gives Us One Answer.

If you want to fix something, the first thing you have to do is figure out what you are trying to fix. So if you are a GVP activist or supporter, obviously you want to do something about gun violence. But how do you define ‘gun violence?’ Does it mean when someone uses a gun to hurt someone else? Does it mean when someone uses a gun to hurt themselves?…

Source: Is Gun Violence Going Up Or Going Down? A New Technology Gives Us One Answer.