Can We Prevent Gun Accidents With Better Safe-Storage Laws? Maybe Yes, Maybe No.

mikethegunguy | October 14, 2016 at 10:53 am | Tags: gun accidents, Gun violence, guns CAP laws, NRA, shootings, USA Today | Categories: Blogs | URL:

USA=-Today is carrying a story on accidental gun deaths of children in which the paper discovered that the CDC number for such events is probably undercounted by about half.  The story describes specific accidental gun deaths, one in which a 4-year old shot himself with a handgun found in his grandparents’ home, another when a 6-year old killed his younger brother with a gun that was lying inside a motel room where the two kids and their parents were spending the night.

accident           Undercounting accidental shootings (or intentional shootings, for that matter) by the CDC is hardly new news. Our friends at the Gun Violence Archive deliver data on and invariably the numbers they get from open media sources are higher than what either the CDC or the FBI report in just about every category of gun violence. And while the NRA will tell you that it’s never the gun…

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